Looking at most makers marks on molding planes, the quality of
the lettering varies from very poor, to superb! Mazzaglia Makers Stamps,
fall somewhere in between. They are handmade and not mass produced.
Because of the available tooling, the letter positions of each stamp may
vary slightly. For this reason, the lettering may or may not produce
lettering that is perfectly straight... Basically, the stamps look and work
very well, fit in your pocket, and are a joy to use.

Made of 3/16 and 1/4 flame hardened tool steel, for scratch resistance.
Struck with a hammer, they can produce a sharp, clear ( Raised Letter )
and border in the end grain of your planes and tools.
Lettering is approximately -1/16 high. (ALL CAPS) 1/8" high letters available,
But Not recommended more than 15 characters across.

They can also be heated (HELD WITH PLIERS) and used like a branding iron
producing a black border with white letters.
Some custom shapes can be done also, (prices on request.)

Please understand that the very nature of a raised letter stamp requires
some force to produce its lettering. It is recommended that you try using
the smallest size stamp needed for the job.
Larger stamps require more force and a sturdier work base.
A 3 pound sledge works very well .

Be sure when ordering to print the letters clearly
just as you wish them to appear, with all spaces and dots.
Also remember to include bordering, and pouches if desired.